July delights, Red replaces Blue, Worthing Romps, Foiling offers and more Weather!

July delights, Red replaces Blue, Worthing Romps, Foiling offers and more Weather!

A Windy and wet Friday, just as we like it or perhaps how we now expect it, during a week in July! Yes, there’s nothing quite like a hot sunny British summers day, probably as they’ve become as rare as hens teeth! I’m sure this weather is not quite what the Worthing Pride event folks will want, as the event kicks off this evening down at Steyne Gardens (hands up who had no idea there was a Worthing Pride event) but fingers are crossed that the weather should improve for their Saturday Parade. Oh well, at least it’s the weekend and also the end of a week that could be a ground breaker for the UK. The votes are in and it’s all change from Blue to Red, so now we wait and see whether the improvements come or if the Political Book of Excuses is brought into play. Time will tell but fingers are crossed, as things can only get…

I was going to say ‘wetter’ but let’s leave that until the weather and tides. No demo’s on this weekend that I know of and so Wind is definitely the ‘player’, at the moment. Those of you involved with wind powered sports could be getting plenty of water time, as long as you can get to the beach or the river when the tide is right. Thought I was onto a winner Wednesday eve but was late leaving the shop and the tide was already way up the shingle, so an opportunity missed. This weekend will suit the ’open water’ users early morning and again in the afternoon, as we have the High Tide slap bang in the middle of the day, which should make the foilers who like the flat water in the estuary very happy. SUP and other paddle sports are looking better for Sunday, as there is a lighter wind predicted for the morning, before it kicks off again in the afternoon. It goes on and on.. unless you have a demo organised.

A few price drops to mention in the world of wing foiling. £549.00 for either a 4’6” or 4’7” Fanatic Sky board, suitable for Prone or hi-wind Wing https://www.surfladle.com/wing-boards/fanatic-wing/fanatic-sky-wing

£499.00 for Neil Pryde Glide Foils in 1700, 1900 or 2300 https://www.surfladle.com/windsurf-foils/neil-pryde-glide-surf-hp

And just £399.00 for a V2 Slingwing 5.4m, which although light,  is a tough construction and therefore a good 1st time wing https://www.surfladle.com/wingsurf-wings/new-wings/slingshot-slingwing-v2-54m-orange

Ok, the evening is moving on rapidly and time to get out of here, so here is the weekend weather and tide times.

Saturday, wind is 17-30kt West’Sou’West pretty much all day, rain early in the morning and then showers during the afternoon, with a top temp of 17°C. Tide is High at 12.32hrs on a 5.9m.

Sunday, wind is Sou’West 12-20kts during the morning, with a drop around 1pm to 9-15kts before accelerating in the afternoon 15 -24kts before dropping again in the evening (check the forecast Saturday evening!). Rain during the afternoon and a top temp of 16°C. Tide is High at 13.16hrs on a 6.0m, so plenty of water in the estuary.

And that’s it for another week. I do hope everyone has a great weekend and that the weather does not ruin your plans or your events. Back tomorrow with the Saturday Morning Shakes video plus any updates regarding anything you need to know, but until then.. Bye Bye.

PS. Wings make great umbrellas!