Weather and Wind, PFD's are wearable, Dyno Mk4 and Ezzy match, Farrel and Andy.
My, my, there goes another two weeks of High Summer and boy, what a summer this one is turning out to be (perhaps if we replace the S with a B, it might be a better descriptive word of what we have received so far?) if Sun and Heat is your thing, but at least there has been usable wind this week and I hope you’ve all been able to get out and have a little fun at some point. If not (I know how you feel..) Friday is once again here and that means it must be the weekend! And guess what, the forecast suggests that it should stay windy ALL weekend, so your chance may come (sorry if that is the last thing you want.. it’s not our fault).
I’ve spouted on these before but I think PFDs are worth another mention, what with the winds picking up and most of us now pushing the limits of what Grecian 2000 can do, regarding our perceived fitness. Personal Flotation Devices are not for wimps and if you sit long enough and consider exactly what we do, out there on the open waters of the moving sea, is having a ‘safety device’ on you such a bad idea? SUP has been a sport where PFD’s have become common place and as with most sports where ‘what you wear’ is seen as very important, the concealed buoyancy aid was a must. So, you don’t have to wear a cumbersome ‘padded jacket’ over your harness (although these are great for ‘rib protection’, before or after you’ve broken a few, landing on your boom, board or mast) as they now come in neat little bum bags that you can wear ‘behind you’.
When these things were £100.00 I can get why you might have disregarded them but as they are now only £49.95 (not much more that you pay for 10 meal deals…complete with E.coli sandwiches!) surely it has to be a consideration? It was just a thought..
Talking of things that match nicely.. how about this for a perfect couple. Miles Firth recently purchased a Severne Dyno MK4 95lt, having owned the previous MK3 and a MK1 versions, so he knows the range. He also added an Ezzy Wave Mk4 5.5m to his arsenal and just look.... they were obviously made for each other! Miles managed to get his first outing today over at Goring (due to the Tides) and very kindly sent this pic (oh, they do look good together) and a Quick Review of the board and the sail..
Dyno Mk4 compared to the MK3.. A tiny bit faster, 1kt according to my watch. It may also be a bit lighter, but the main thing is that still feels good in the South Coast chop, smooth and fast and turns really well. It’s a subtle evolution. plus, like the V3, it seems pretty solid and also chip resistant (touch wood). Ezzy Wave MK4… I was maybe a bit overpowered, but it did feel good. Solid as always, a tiny bit lighter, well balanced. It looks like they've improved the mast top thingy. (Note. the thingy is the sail turban, which previously was a plastic cap which on some sizes of sail sat at an angle and would wear a ring into the top of the mast. David Ezzy promised to replace any mast that failed due to this and to date, I think it has been one, that we know of, and I don’t think it actually failed).
Farrel Oshea, who very sadly departed this little planet two weekends ago, has left a bit of a hole in the UK’s lust for Wind Speed records, as I think it’s fair to say that Farrel was the driving force for going fast. I guess the speed batten gets passed to Zara Davis, who I’m sure will follow in his foot straps, as a guiding light and mentor for many others to come. Another person that left a hole in the sport twenty years ago this Saturday was Andy Funnel, who departed under very sad circumstances and way before he had reached anywhere near his full potential in windsurf wave sailing and the extreme aerobatics associated with it. It‘s a very sad loss to the world of Watersports when great achievers go but it’s a plus for the sport that we have these types of people in the first place… always pushing the limits to see just how far we can go. Both much loved, both very much missed.
Ok, time for this evening’s outlook on the weekends weather and the High Tide times.
Saturday, Sou’West wind all day, ranging from 17-28kts in the morning through to 20-31kts during the afternoon. Heavy showers during the morning and then sporadic rain during the afternoon, with a TOP Temp of.. 15°C! Tide is High at 18.51hrs on a 4.9m Neap (not much tidal movement, so hardly any sand showing). Watch out for a ‘ditch’ when launching and landing and a possible side current.
Sunday, wind continuing from the Sou’West but slightly less, as 12 -21kts during the morning and then 15-27kts during the afternoon. Only the odd shower shown during the morning and then all clear, at the moment. Temp gains a degree, at 16°C . Tide is High at 19.49hrs on a 5.0m.
And that is that for this week of summer 2024, accept to say that football is ‘coming home’ with the Euro’s and it’s nice to see that the Fan Zone in Hove is all set up for the matches…really? Have a look if you get a mo., as not risking a picture ‘penalty’!
Have a great weekend, one and All.