Whizs and bangs, Weather groans but not moans and a Stylemaster, to go!
Yes, it’s time for another weekend and it’s the one when, or perhaps where, people go ‘Ooh and Ah’. Although not officially Bonfire Night, most will be enjoying those gunpowder-powered fireworks (soon to be replaced by leccy or virtual versions..) and burning lumps of wood on Saturday evening and with a bit of luck, it won’t be raining! It would be nice if 'Remember, Remember' still took place on the 5th of November but as we now live under Health and Safety ‘guidelines’, only trained firework operatives can set off fireworks and as there are too few to man (can I say man?.. person does not fit) the many displays that take place, bonfire night has been spread over at least 3 weeks. Very much the same can be said for the American Black Friday sale, that in the UK has now become Black November, which hangs on as the post Black Friday Sale during December. And lastly, there is of course the C word, which I apologise for mentioning earlier today. From a retail point of view, C currently starts in September (or has anyone notcied 'it' on sale earlier) which I can only think is due to Health and Safety once again or there not being enough of Santa’s helpers to get it all done in December. Oh well, at least we can be happy knowing that the Budget still only gets the one opportunity in a year! Moving on..
Even though it’s been overcast all week, the fact that we have had four days without rain during a half term has made it feel almost summer like. When you look at what Spain has been hit with (due to a very warm Mediterranean sea, from what I’ve read) it has been incredibly settled here but at this time of year you would think that something must be lurking out in the Atlantic, hopefully friendly and bringing in a nice Force 5 - 6, if we should be so lucky. Nothing shown on the charts at the moment as the two current Lows set to pass by us during next week, are being pushed back by the High over Northern Europe. Patience is required..
Being away, I missed posting my annual gripe re. the changing of the clocks but please tell me that everyone else finds it hard to adjust to the day finishing by 5pm. It seems such a waste of life, spending 5 months of your annual life span getting up and going home in the dark.. that’s not a moan, it’s just an observation! Ok, time to mention kit..
It's been a quiet year for SUP sales but I just want to remind people that we have a very nice used Fanatic Stylemaster SUP board at the shop, as I’m amazed that no one has come to at least have a look. It’s a perfect board for winter fun on those small rolling swells, that quite often turn up during the winter months and it can also be windsurfed, if paddling becomes tedious. Its’s on the website at £750.00 but if you are interested we can always see if the owner will accept a ‘reasonable’ offer. https://www.surfladle.com/used-sup/fanatic-stylemaster-bamboo-10-x-28-used
Time waits for no person, so what’s the weekends weather and tides up to?
Saturday, wind during the morning is Nor’East 9-14kt and then backing East 11 - 15kt (Met say 8-19kt) during the afternoon. Overcast with a top temp of 14°C and ‘dry’. Tide hits High at 11.26hrs on a 6.1m.. a great tide for SUP on the estuary but wind direction is not good for Wings. Open water could be good for all wind sports, if you like a Port Tack!
Sunday, the wind stats are pretty much a re-run of Saturdays, as is the weather. High Tide alters a little, 11.53hrs on a 6.3m. If the forecasters are right.. we should have an out on (or in) the water weekend for all forms of Watersports..
And that’s it for this week, apart from mentioning that RRD have just announced a clearance list for their windsurfing boards.. I will post what they are tomorrow as way too late now! Please remember that now the clocks have gone back we are in to winter hours and that means the shop closes at 1pm on a Sunday, as we will be locking up and heading out those doors!
Have a great weekend and enjoy the fireworks (if you have a pet, turn the music up, real loud!).